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Free Online Amusement and Stress Relief businessballs. If you have corrections or further details about the words, cliches, expressions origins and derivations on this page, please send them.

1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul.

If you are trying to find origins or derivations for words, expressions, phrases, clichés, etc., that are not listed here, then please use the research sources suggested below before you contact me. I'm not able to answer all such enquiries personally although selected ones will be published on this page.

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The derivations quiz demonstrates that word and expressions origins can be used easily in quizzes, to teach about language, and also to emphasise the significance of cultural diversity in language and communications development. If you like words/language quizzes see the diversity/words quizzes quizballs 1. See also: tips for using books for researching language originsacronyms and abbreviations origins - for training, research, speaking, writing, quizzes and exercisesmoney slang and (English) money historywords and expressions origins. AA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Zargh / aargh / aaargh / aaaargh / aaarrgh / aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh (etc) - This is a remarkable word because it can be spelled in so many ways. Argh (the shortest version) is an exclamation, of various sorts, usually ironic or humorous (in this sense usually written and rarely verbal).

More dramatically Aaaaaaaaaargh would be a written scream. Aaaarrrgh (there are hundreds of popular different spelling variants) typically expresses a scream or cry of ironic or humorous frustration.

Watch White Irish Drinkers Hindi Full Movie

The word itself and variations of Aaargh are flourishing in various forms due to the immediacy and popularity of internet communications (blogs, emails, etc), although actually it has existed in the English language as an exclamation of strong emotion (surprise, horror, anguish, according to the OED) since the late 1. The OED prefers the spelling Aargh, but obviously the longer the version, then the longer the scream. In this respect it's a very peculiar and unusual word - since it offers such amazing versatility for the user. There are very few words which can be spelled in so many different ways, and it's oddly appropriate that any of the longer variants will inevitably be the very first entry in any dictionary. Spelling of Aaaaarrgghh (there's another one.) varies most commonly in the number of 'A's, and to a lesser extent in the number of 'R's. Repetition of 'G's and 'H's is far less prevalent. If you are wondering what Aaaaaarrrrgh and variants actually sound like, then consider the many types of outrageous screams which traditionally feature in fight/death/falling scenes in TV/cinema.

Notable and fascinating among these is the stock sound effect - a huge Aaaaaarrrgghhh noise - known as the Wilhelm Scream. Incidentally (apparently) the term Wilhelm Scream was coined by Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt, so- called because it was used for the character Private Wilhelm in a 1. The Charge at Yellow River. The sound effect was (again apparently) originally titled 'man being eaten by an alligator'. Please note that this screen version did not directly imply or suggest the modern written usage of Aaaarrrgh as an expression of shock - it's merely a point of related interest.

10/21:華和茶会民族系アンビエントlive. 告知. 10/21にn.a.s.s.とのコラボレーションで、華和茶会エスニックアンビエントliveを. Motörhead (/ ˈ m oʊ t ər h ɛ d /) were an English rock band formed in June 1975 by bassist, singer, and songwriter Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister, who was the sole.

The frustration signified by Aaargh can be meant in pure fun or in some situations (in blogs for example) with a degree of real vexation. The powerful nature of the expression is such that it is now used widely as a heading for many articles and postings dealing with frustration, annoyance, etc. The main usage however seems to be as a quick response in fun, as an ironic death scream, which is similar to more obvious expressions like 'you're killing me,' or 'I could scream'.

To some people Aaaaargh suggests the ironic idea of throwing oneself out of a towerblock window to escape whatever has prompted the irritation. AAAAAARRRRGH (capitals tends to increase the volume.) is therefore a very flexible and somewhat instinctual expression: many who write it in emails and blogs would not easily be able to articulate its exact meaning, and certainly it is difficult to interpret a precise meaning for an individual case without seeing the particular exchange and what prompted the Aaargh response.

That said, broadly speaking, we can infer the degree of emotion from the length of the version used. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh clearly has a touch more desperation than Aaarrgh. The use of Aaaaargh is definitely increasing in the 2.

Often the meaning includes an inward element like Homer Simpson's 'doh', or an incredulous aspect like Victor Meldrew's 'I don't believe it', and perhaps in time different spellings will come to mean quite specifically different things. Interestingly the web makes it possible to measure the popularity of the the different spelling versions of Aargh, and at some stage the web will make it possible to correlate spelling and context and meaning.

For now, googling the different spellings will show you their relative popularity, albeit it skewed according to the use of the term on the web. I suspect that given the speed of the phone text medium, usage in texting is even more concentrated towards the shorter versions. See Oliver Steele's fascinating Aargh webpage, (he gives also Hmmm the same treatment.) showing the spellings and their Google counts as at 2. At the time of originally writing this entry (April 2. Google's count for Argh has now trebled (from 3 million in 2. At Dec 2. 01. 2 Google's count for Argh had doubled (from the 2.

Aaaaaaaarrrggggh.. Can you help find the earliest origins or precise sources of some relatively recent expressions and figures of speech? Here are a few interesting sayings for which for which fully satisfying origins seem not to exist, or existing explanations invite expansion and more detail. If so for what situations and purpose? Let me know. And see possible meanings and origins below, which need clarifying.

The earliest recollection of 'liar liar pants on fire' that I have been informed of dates back to the 1. UK. See the liar liar entry for additional clues.)black market - seems to have first appeared in English c. German, French, Italian and Spanish - does anyone know which came first? Is there a long- forgotten/lost rhyming slang connecting wally with gherkin (perkins?). Any other suggestions? ST FAGOS acronym - if you know any more please share it.

John Wilkes Booth break a leg theory looks the strongest to me, but there are others, and particularly there's an international perspective which could do with exploring. Are you aware of similar ironic expressions meaning 'good luck' in other languages? Martin' TV Show starring Martin Lawrence? Shakespeare? A 1. Katherine Hepburn movie? Confirmation/suggestions/examples of early usage wanted please.

Let me know. no dice - not a chance - see the no dice entry below. If you have early recollections of use (when and when) or suggestions of precise origins or authors of any of the above expressions please let me know, and I'll publish the findings on this page in the main listing. Let me know also if you want any mysterious expressions adding to the list for which no published origins seem to exist. Gold does not dissolve in nitric acid, whereas less costly silver and base metals do. The use of nitric acid also featured strongly in alchemy, the ancient 'science' of (attempting) converting base metals into gold. Partridge's Dictionary of Slang says above board is from card- playing for money - specifically keeping hands visible above the table (board was the word for table, hence boardroom), not below, where they could be engaged in cheating. This would naturally have extended as a metaphor to the notion (favoured by 1.

Brewer) of a conjuror preparing a trick with hands above the 'board' (table), rather than below it, where the trickery could be concealed, 'under- hand' (see also underhand).

Wake Up New Zealand What Does The Globalist Agenda / New World Order Plan Mean For New Zealanders? The Royal Institute Of International Affairs. April 2. 3 2. 01. Key Source: Biblio. Teca. Pleyades. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group “writ large.”It was founded by "the Group", has been consistently controlled by "the Group", and to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. It is the legitimate child of the Round Table organization, just as the latter was the legitimate child of the “Closer Union” movement organized in South Africa in 1. All three of these organizations were formed by the same small group of persons, all three received their initial financial backing from Sir Abe Bailey, and all three used the same methods for working out and propagating their ideas (the so- called Round Table method of discussion groups plus a journal).

This similarity is not an accident. The new organization was intended to be a wider aspect of the Milner Group, the plan being to influence the leaders of thought through The Round Table and to influence a wider group through the RIIA.

The real founder of the Institute was Lionel Curtis, although this fact was concealed for many years and he was presented to the public as merely one among a number of founders. In more recent years, however, the fact that Curtis was the real founder of the Institute has been publicly stated by members of the Institute and by the Institute itself on many occasions, and never denied. One example will suffice. In the Annual Report of the Institute for 1. Watch City Of Ember Online Hulu on this page. The Institute was organized at a joint conference of British and American experts at the Hotel Majestic on 3.

May 1. 91. 9. At the suggestion of Lord Robert Cecil, the chair was given to General Tasker Bliss of the American delegation. We have already indicated that the experts of the British delegation at the Peace Conference were almost exclusively from the Milner Group and Cecil Bloc. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 1. St James's Square, London SW1.

Y 4. LEThe American group of experts, “the Inquiry,” was manned almost as completely by persons from institutions (including universities) dominated by J. P. Morgan and Company. This was not an accident. Moreover, the Milner Group has always had very close relationships with the associates of J. P. Morgan and with the various branches of the Carnegie Trust.

These relationships, which are merely examples of the closely knit ramifications of international financial capitalism, were probably based on the financial holdings controlled by the Milner Group through the Rhodes Trust. The term “international financier” can be applied with full justice to several members of the Milner Group inner circle, such as Brand, Hichens, and above all, Milner himself. At the meeting at the Hotel Majestic, the British group included: Lionel Curtis Philip Kerr Lord Robert Cecil Lord Eustace Percy Sir Eyre Crowe Sir Cecil Hurst J. W. Headlam- Morley Geoffrey Dawson Harold Temperley G.

M. Gathorne- Hardy. It was decided to found a permanent organization for the study of international affairs and to begin by writing a history of the Peace Conference. A committee was set up to supervise the writing of this work. It had Lord Meston as chairman, Lionel Curtis as secretary, and was financed by a gift of £,2. Thomas W. Lamont of J. P. Morgan and Company. This group picked Harold Temperley as editor of the work.

It appeared in six large volumes in the years 1. RIIA. The British organization was set up by a committee of which Lord Robert Cecil was chairman, Lionel Curtis was honorary secretary and the following were members: Lord Eustace Percy J. A. C. (later Sir John) Tilley Philip Noel- Baker Clement Jones Harold Temperley A. L. Smith (classmate of Milner and Master of Balliol) George W.

Prothero Geoffrey Dawson. This group drew up a constitution and made a list of prospective members. Lionel Curtis and Gathorne- Hardy drew up the by- laws. The above description is based on the official history of the RIIA published by the Institute itself in 1. Stephen King- Hall. It does not agree in its details (committees and names) with information from other sources, equally authoritative, such as the journal of the Institute or the preface to Temperley's History of the Peace Conference. The latter, for example, says that the members were chosen by a committee consisting of Lord Robert Cecil, Sir Valentine Chirol, and Sir Cecil Hurst.

Head of the United States Library of Congress Archibald Mac. Leish and British Ambassador Lord Lothian posing in front of the Magna Carta, Washington, DC, United States, 2. Nov 1. 93. 9 - Note the Masonic handshake As a matter of fact, all of these differing accounts are correct, for the Institute was formed in such an informal fashion, as among friends, that membership on committees and lines of authority between committees were not very important. As an example, Mr. King- Hall says that he was invited to join the Institute in 1.

Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian), although this name is not to be found on any membership committee. At any rate, one thing is clear: The Institute was formed by the Cecil Bloc and the Milner Group, acting together, and the real decisions were being made by members of the latter. As organized, the Institute consisted of a council with a chairman and two honorary secretaries, and a small group of paid employees. Among these latter, A.

J. Toynbee, nephew of Milner's old friend at Balliol, was the most important. There were about 3. There have been three chairmen of the council: 1. Lord Meston in 1. Major- General Sir Neill Malcolm in 1.

Lord Astor from 1. All of these are members of the Milner Group, although General Malcolm is not yet familiar to us. General Malcolm, from Eton and Sandhurst, married the sister of Dougal Malcolm of Milner's Kindergarten in 1. British Army. By 1. He was with the British Military Mission in Berlin in 1.

General Officer Commanding in Malaya in 1. He was High Commissioner for German Refugees (a project in which the Milner Group was deeply involved) in 1. British North Borneo Company, of which he is president and Dougal Malcolm is vice- president. It must not be assumed that General Malcolm won advancement in the world because of his connections with the Milner Group, for his older brother, Sir Ian Malcolm was an important member of the Cecil Bloc long before Sir Neill joined the Milner Group. Sir Ian, who went to Eton and New College, was assistant private secretary to Lord Salisbury in 1.

Chief Secretary for Ireland (George Wyndham) in 1. Balfour in the United States in 1.

Peace Conference in 1. He wrote the sketch of Walter Long of the Cecil Bloc (Lord Long of Wraxall) in the Dictionary of National Biography. From the beginning, the two honorary secretaries of the Institute were Lionel Curtis and G. M. Gathorne- Hardy. These two, especially the latter, did much of the active work of running the organization. In 1. 92. 6 the Report of the Council of the RIIA said: The burden of work was so great on Curtis and Gathorne- Hardy by 1.

Sir Otto Beit, of the Rhodes Trust, Milner Group, and British South Africa Company, gave £1. F. B. Bourdillon assumed the task of providing this assistance in March 1. He had been secretary to Feetham on the Irish Boundary Commission in 1. British delegation to the Peace Conference in 1. He has been in the Research Department of the Foreign Office since 1. Cecil Rhodes (for whom Rhodesia was named) was an extremely wealthy collectivist who left his entire fortune to his trust, which funds a whole new round of collectivists each and every year.

You will definitely see names you recognise on the Sholar lists at www. The active governing body of the Institute is the council, originally called the executive committee. Under the more recent name, it generally had twenty- five to thirty members, of whom slightly less than half were usually of the Milner Group.