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Read about Green is Universal's latest sustainable efforts throughout NBCUniversal. Public Genomes. Many people are paying to have their DNA tested. Others are sharing their genomes on the Internet. Are they crazy? Airing August 18, 2009 at 9 pm. The original photo, taken by Mike Brown of Reuters, has gotten a life of its own online. Some people are simply making jokes about unwanted “touching” from Pence.

NOVA - Official Website Public Genomes. Public Genomes. PBS Airdate: August 1. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: Hi, I'm Neil. Grasse Tyson, your host of NOVA science. NOW. It. seems like every week, scientists uncover more secrets of our D.

Watch Asthma Online HuluWatch Asthma Online Hulu

N. A., revealing. And for some, this. As. Bureaucrat): Well, Mr. Grasse Tyson, I've seen your genetic profile, and it's. In fact, you're much too much of a genetic risk for us. But some say that knowing our genetic risk for.

As. Doctor): Well, Neil, I've reviewed your genome. Here are my recommendations. And we've prepared a bottle of vitamins specially for you.

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Well, thank you!(As. Doctor): Live long and prosper. So what can genetic testing actually tell us.

And will that knowledge help us. It's. Time Magazine's invention of the.

No, it's not the electric car or the bionic hand. It's not even Hulu. It's the personal D.

N. A. test. A. bunch of new companies are claiming they can read your D. N. A. and tell you all. And it seems everybody wants to know what might. Larry King, the founders of Google, supermodel Naomi. Campbell, and Ivanka Trump..

D. N. A. done. But. To. find out, I got one of the tests. There was just one thing I needed to do. Spit. ELISSA. LEVIN (Navigenics, Inc.): You have agreed to provide us with a saliva sample. De. GRASSE TYSON: Spit?

ELISSA. LEVIN: Spit. De. GRASSE TYSON: All I had to do was. California, where they extracted my. A, C. G and T. The six billion letters in a human genome encode the instructions for. Everybody's. D. N.

A. is mostly the same. Here and there, a letter or more will be different. Watch Triple Tap Online (2017). DIETRICH. STEPHAN (Navigenics, Inc.): Those subtle variations are what make you and I. But, it's also what predisposes individuals, subtly, to. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: This lab compared. D. N. A. to the letters of people who have some common.

That. would tell me I'm at a higher risk than the population, on average? They. said I had less than a 5 percent chance of getting Alzheimer's disease, but. So I asked my friend, Steven. Pinker, Harvard professor of psychology. He had taken the test and got back an. Here's. one of my favorites.

STEVE. PINKER: .. I. have a gene that gives me double the risk of baldness. My risk, based on this. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: An 8. Steve's got more hair than your average rock star.

STEVE. PINKER: Oh, I get. Gee, you look like Jimmy Page..," and Robert Plant. Roger Daltry. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: He was even.

STEVE. PINKER: .. De. GRASSE TYSON: So what's up? The. invention of the year, a personal D. N. A. test telling Steve Pinker he should be. PINKER: What does.

I have an 8. 0 percent risk of baldness? Watch Among Us Online Hollywoodtake. I clearly have a zero. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: And if that seems.

I was given? Well. Steve's baldness prediction. RUDY. TANZI: The fact that they're telling people "percent chance". NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: We know that a few. Huntington's disease, are caused by one. D. N. A. tests do a good job predicting them. But many. geneticists, like Rudy Tanzi, say that for most common illnesses, the tests.

RUDY. TANZI: I don't think it's possible, no matter how much. D. N. A. service, to get any reliable. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: But why not? Why. can't common diseases like cancer and diabetes be predicted by looking at your. There's. six billion letters in your D. N. A. Strings of these letters can make up a gene.

Altogether you have maybe 2. Some genes make switches that can turn other genes on or off. Inside our cells.

We've. now mapped the human genome, so we have a pretty good list of all the different. But we don't know how they all work together. It's kind of like a. Just as it takes a bunch.

And it takes another big group to produce a complex illness like. STEVE. PINKER: We know.

D. N. A. sequences into flesh and blood is extraordinarily. You have one gene that might affect the expression of a second gene. DAVID. ALTSHULER (Massachusetts General Hospital): When we say diabetes, or heart attack, or cancer. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: If the recipes for. Can knowing. our D. N. A. ever help us understand disease?

George. Church thinks it can. George has launched the Personal Genome Project to gather. It. might reveal why a guy like Steve, who has a gene that's supposed to make him a. George, who lacks.

D. N. A. data to uncover the. But. first, George needs to convince volunteers to give him their D. N. A. GEORGE. M. CHURCH (Harvard Medical School): We have ten that have actually been through the. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: Are you one of the. CHURCH: I'm one of the ten. Steve's one of. De. GRASSE TYSON: He's one of the.

CHURCH: Steve's one of the ten, yeah. Right. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: So you're telling. GEORGE. CHURCH: I, I, I think we need a lot more. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: When he says a lot.

He wants to sift through the D. N. A. of 1. 00,0. And if we're going. Steve need. to share much more than their D.

N. A. GEORGE. CHURCH: To really make this valuable, we. D. N. A. We need to have their traits, as comprehensive a set of. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: How about the.

Do you care about their environment? GEORGE. CHURCH: Environment is very important. We. want to capture that, too. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: So it's a huge. You. name it, it's on George Church's questionnaire: past diseases, medications. Researchers want to know all of it. And. here's the kicker: George Church wants to put all that information on the.

PINKER: Someone. Google my genome. This information will be visible to anyone. Internet connection, so a billion people will be able to look at my.

De. GRASSE TYSON: Steve did opt to. Alzheimer's Disease, but other than. D. N. A. is out there.

STEPHEN. COLBERT (The Colbert Report. Video Clip): Please welcome. Steven Pinker. Dr. Pinker. You.

Internet. Are you crazy? That's. like posting the Social Security number that God gave you. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: Colbert is not the.

Steve Pinker's crazy. STEVE. PINKER: I think. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: What happens if all. A. new law signed last year, GINA, protects only against some genetic. RUDY. TANZI: Genetic information is not properly protected yet. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: For example, health. D. N. A., but life insurers can.

RUDY. TANZI: Until I know for sure that someday there's. D. N. A. sequence, until that day, I don't want my name associated with my D. N. A. De. GRASSE TYSON: Even beyond. We've seen it played out in the movies. DOCTOR. (GATTACA Film Clip): You.

You have specified hazel eyes. I've taken the liberty of eradicating any. You could conceive. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: But Steven Pinker.

STEVE. PINKER: There's. There will be. hundreds, maybe thousands of genes that, on average, might bump you up a little. The. more you know about how genes really work, the less paranoid you're apt to be. NEIL. De. GRASSE TYSON: Steve and George. And. more than 1. George's project may decide. D. N. A. public are outweighed by the potential.

DAVID. ALTSHULER: The more sequence we capture in. I am entirely confident, learn about disease. Screen Text: Isolate. Showtime Full The King`S Speech Online Free. D. N. A. in your kitchen in 4 easy steps, for real: ½.

Drop. of pineapple juice. Step. 2: Rinse your mouth out with water and spit it into a cup. Step. 3: Add them together. Step. 4: Add a little alcohol. D. N. A.! Don't. try this at home. For detailed instructions and more go to pbs.