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Is your office killing you? Sitting at your desk for too many hours could put you at risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the condition which causes potentially fatal blood clots that can travel to the heart, lungs or brain. DVT is most commonly associated with passengers on long- haul flights. But in a study published last week, researchers in New Zealand found that a third of those in hospital with blood clots had been sitting at their desk for long periods.

Since Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, I’ve been dreading the day notifications to add someone I’ve never met to my professional network pop up in my screen. Turns. Google has removed roughly 300 apps from its Play Store after security researchers from several internet infrastructure companies discovered that the seemingly.

DVT is not the only risk faced in the average desk- based job. Here PETA BEE reveals the other health problems lurking in your office. Air conditioning. It might seem a blessing when the weather is sweltering, but according to Professor Ron Eccles, director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, air conditioning in offices may contribute to infection with summer cold viruses. The lining of the nose is covered with a thin layer of mucus which protects against infection," Eccles says. Since air conditioners extract moisture from the air, they may cause some drying of the protective mucous blanket in the nose and predispose us to infection."One in eight workplaces are as dry as the Sahara Desert, according to a survey by independent psychologist and stress expert Dr David Lewis. As a result, thousands of employees are chronically dehydrated which can result in fatigue and headaches, a reduction in productivity and, in severe circumstances, even fainting.

Sipping water regularly will help to offset the risks of a thumping head or fatigue," says Louise Sutton, lecturer in health and exercise science at Leeds Metropolitan University. Getting up to fetch a glass of water will also provide a much needed break from your desk."Office chair. According to the charity Back Care, sitting on a badly designed chair can cause low back pain as excessive pressure is placed on the muscles. They advise using office chairs which have five legs in a star shape and an adjustable seat back to provide evenly distributed support.

But you must still position your chair properly, with your feet on the floor and elbows at right angles to the desk top. You should be sitting right back in your chair, not perched off the front — your back and shoulders should be straight and supported by the back of your chair. Watch Magus Putlocker. Tilt the chair forward or sit on a wedge cushion to be at the right angle.

Computer screen The average Briton spends almost 1. Eyecare Trust charity. The result is a generation of square- eyed workers who suffer headaches, eyestrain and vision problems: "As computer use in the workplace continues to rise, so does the number of people complaining of eyestrain," says Iain Anderson, chairman of the Trust. It’s vital that computer users visit an optometrist for regular eye examinations every year. Screen fatigue — sore, itchy, irritated eyes or temporary blurring of vision affects up to 9. The law states that all regular screen users have the right to eye tests paid for by their employers.

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Although there is no legal requirement about breaks away from the screen, guidance suggests five to ten minutes every hour can protect your eyes. The trust also recommends making sure your monitor is 1.

Font sizes should be 1. Computer keyboard. Eating a sandwich, applying make- up or drinking coffee are common practices at the average desk. But food and other residues are just some of the contaminants that make keyboards filthier than toilet seats according to research at the University of Arizona.

Dr Charles Gerba, a microbiologist, found that keyboards harbour 3,2. By contrast, the average loo seat contains just 4. When someone is infected with a cold or flu bug, the surfaces they touch during the day become germ transfer points because some viruses can survive on them for up to 7. Dr Gerba says. "A keyboard can become an incubator, spreading viruses to anyone who comes into contact with it."Dr Gerba found bacteria levels peaked after lunch had been eaten at the desk. Without cleaning, they could support millions of bacteria that could potentially cause illness such as gastrointestinal upsets," he says, advising the use of antibiotic wipes several times a day on the keyboard. Central heating. Centrally heated offices have notoriously dry air, often causing dry skin and dehydration. If this sounds like your workplace, then having a houseplant on your desk is a positive health move according to researchers at Oslo University.

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Plants have been shown to improve air quality and humidity. The team found they also reduce levels of pollutants that can be emitted from man- made materials such as paints and carpets. In trials they showed that more plants lead to improvements in concentration levels by one third and a 4. Meanwhile, American scientists found that workers who place a plant on their desk experienced less fatigue and stress, linked in part to the improved air quality. Peace lilies and fine- leafed figs were most effective.

Telephones. Using the telephone for just two hours a day can cause your posture to deteriorate rapidly. A study from Surrey University showed that cradling a telephone receiver in your neck could lead to inflamed tendons and the kind of disc trouble in the back that used to become common only after middle age through general wear and tear. Using a headset can reduce tension by around 4.

Both mobile and landline handsets could be a health hazard because of the bacteria they carry, a study found last year. According to microbiologists at Manchester Metropolitan University, tens of thousands of microbes are crawling on every square inch of the average handset and the combination of heat from the phone and constant handling makes it a prime breeding ground. Bugs found on phones include staphylococcus which can cause illnesses from a rash and pimples to pneumonia. The researchers advise wiping phones regularly with alcohol- based antiseptic wipes. Photocopiers/fax. Overexposure to fumes such as methyl alcohol and methacrylate from photocopier and fax machines can cause problems ranging from headaches to skin rashes and breathing difficulties for some people, says Lindsey Mc. Mannus, a spokesman for Allergy.

UK. "Cartridges and toners can produce low atmosphere ozone that are as damaging as those from traffic," she says. It is not just poorly maintained or old machines that do this — new ones can be just as bad."She advises keeping windows open and asking if your desk can be moved if the equipment is positioned close to where you sit. Noise. Both the Royal National Institute for the Deaf and the Health and Safety Executive estimate that 1. UK currently suffer deafness as a result of working somewhere noisy. Regular exposure to noise levels above 8.

In April 2. 00. 6, the HSE introduced new regulations for the "control of noise at work". If you are concerned, contact the Employment Medical Advisory Service, or call the RNID’s hearing check (0.